Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Before KGBT, there was Good Day Valley

Jessica Montoya - Antonio Rodriguez - Adriana Trevino

   Before KGBT Action 4 News, I interned with Good Day Valley at FOXRio2. This was my first internship in the broadcast world. It was quite an experience as well! Good Day Valley is a relativity new morning show with a year under their belt. Jessica Montoya, Antonio Rodriguez, and Adriana Trevino make up the morning team Monday through Friday at 7 a.m.

Future weather girl?

    What many may not know is that those who are wide awake while you pour your morning coffee, arrive at work at 3 a.m. If you're wondering, "When do they sleep?" I did too! As an intern, I didn't arrive as early. I got to sleep in until 5 a.m. Monday through Friday, arriving at the FOX studio at 6 in the morning. This was my schedule for five months straight. My schedule throughout the week was 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. The sun wouldn't even be out when I arrived at work.

Halloween graphic made by yours truly!

    I would help prepare the daily show by creating graphics, the CG's for the guests and anchors, control audio board, control the teleprompter, and even technical directed segments of the show and briefs. It was such a great experience that allowed me to see behind the scenes at the work that not many get to experience. It isn't just the on-camera work that is vital to a morning show or newscast. There were plenty mornings that included complications with packages or technical issues. If you ever find yourself in a situation dealing with this, STAY CALM! And always do your best!

Cheese Chisholm from the Harlem Globetrotters
    Towards the end of my internship, one morning show still haunts me. I arrived that morning asking Antonio what graphics needed to be created, just as I did every other day. When I finished them, I began to work on the CG's for the newscast. As I began typing the names into the program, it froze. There was only 15 minutes left until the show began and the computer froze! I couldn't believe it.

    I quickly told Mario, the Technical Director for the morning so he could know that there is technical issues. I restarted the computer and opened the CG program, hoping it will be good. Unfortunately, it froze.

    By this time, it was already 7 a.m. and we had to go live without any CG's or the logo. I had to also control the audio levels for each of the anchor's microphones so during the commercial breaks I tried to get the computer working.

    It wasn't until ten minutes before the show ended that it finally worked. After I closed and re-opened the program for the last time, I opened a new file and copied and pasted all the CG's and logo into the file. All the work I had done to try and have the CG's didn't happen until the end of the show. That's how it is when working with technology.

A yummy breakfast after work

    Overall, the experience with Good Day Valley was a great one. For 5 months, I was able to live like a morning show broadcaster. It was exhausting and I honestly do not know how I got through it but I'm sure my love and drive for journalism helped push me.

My favorite guests on the set of Good Day Valley with me

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